Thursday, November 4, 2010

Don't ever!!

To SHAMIRRA & everyone

Ramai yang menyayangi diri anda..
You should love yourself first before to be loved by others.
Do your best as much as you can...
Yeah.. its easy to say but its hard to do.
You have tried your best.
You should manage your time wisely.
Stay up?? tak tidur???
THEN??? what you get later??
What's wrong with that subject??
Am I stupid or am I not good enough in mastering that subject??
Please... I need everyone to pray for me..
Pray so that I'll pass all subjects in my final examinations.
I've never and ever REPEAT or OBTAIN 'C' in my core subjects.
So I don't wanna see this grade --> 'D'
Other subjects I managed to get good CAM but what happen to the "MALAS" subject??
I'm suffering mentally and physically!!
Damn!! enough!! I don't wanna face that subject! NEVER!!
Please!! no DR. FARID for next semester.
Just proceed with my study plan as usual.
Ooohhhhhh... I hope for miracle!!
3 more papers to go...
Ya ALLAH, give me some miracle...
I'm now in my 1st year, 1st semester.
How am I going to survive for the next 7 semesters??
Damn!!!! Go girl!!
It's no use to cry over spilt milk...

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