Friday, April 15, 2011

Kembali ke Pangkuan


First of all, hello my lappy!!
Lappy ku dah kembali ke pangkuan...
Almost two weeks lah dak tak berusik. Tinggal dekat rumah jer..
These two weeks I was busy with my final exams.
How was it?? Hurrmm....

First paper, Study Circle II... Yang ni, tak kisah sangat.. Huhu..
Second paper, Tort II.. Ok lah... Bolehlah.. Not too bad..
Third paper, sucks!! Transac II.. Just hope that I'll get 20/60.. Huhu...
Then MLS... You know what.. Kalaulah aku tahu flow yang betul untuk jawab, seriously, I will not repeat this subject. Hahaa... Rasa nak jerit je masa tengok soalan tu. Hahaa... A-?? Hurm.. Just hope for 'PASS' only..
The next morning, sitting for Contract II.. I just started study Contract II 11.40pm before the paper next morning. Seriously, berani mati kot!! Luckily, I managed to answer the questions given. Bak kata orang, setimpal lah dengan apa yang aku baca..
Then gap about 4 days, waiting for the last paper.. ILS II. The day before exam, baru start studylahkan..
Sebab ILS, kita orang tak tahu nak baca apa.. Btw, thanks to Mdm. Husna's notes. Haha...
Kalau tak, jangan haraplah aku boleh jawab ILS tu...
So overall, what I can say is, this sem flow agak lembab laa...
Study pun macam tah apa2.. Memang berani matilah.. Malam nak exam tu, barulah sibuk nak buka buku. Hehe...

Thanks to syakeer, ni lah yang akak compiled tu. Hee..

These two weeks, I'm not really in a good condition...
Lepas satu, satu... But Alhamdulillah, I managed to complete all the papers even I was suffering with fever, flue, cough, nose bleeding etc

I was at home now..
Holiday for about one month before come back for short sem..
Just stay at home... What else to do?? Nothing....
Oh yaa... I need to go back to UIA to get offer letter for zakat..
Then going to hospital also..

Sob2..... Good bye G5.1C...
I will miss my room and that compartment...
I bet the person who will stay there after this will be the lucky person because I left the compartment in a good condition. Siap lap sekali okeyh!! Btw, tikar getah aku ambil balik laa...Cun tuuu...

Btw, I was wondering now...
About the story...
He was referring to whom actually???


3 Feedbacks:

Hafidz Nasir said...


Anonymous said...

Bangganye nama sy disebut! ;DDDD

Myra Latif said...

syakeer --> nak akk sebut hari2 pun leh. hahah


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