Kita bako!! Kita bako!!! Hahhaaa....
Tagline yang famous sekarang kan...
Apa yang aku nak bakar??
Diari aku yang dah bersarang dekat tujuh tahun....
Btw, aku start tulis diary ni if I not mistaken since I was in Form 2...
Zaman kanak2 lagilah kan...
Apa eak yang terkandung dalam diari tu?? Hahhaa...
Bila baca2 balik, memang kelakar...
Banyak nama dalam tu.. Btw, ada satu nama yang memang aku akan tulis pada setiap hari memandangkan insan tu bertakhta di hati aku sejak lapan tahun yang dulu..
(You know who you are dear)
Year by year, new diary will appear..
I will buy the new diary at Popular...
Hurm.. Actually I don't have so much time to write in the diary but I'll remember every single things happened in my life, so in one time maybe I'll write two to three pages..
What actually I wrote in my diary??
Many things I wrote there...
Dissatisfaction... Hahaa....
Diari aku, aku punya sukalah!!
Kutuk orang?? Hurm?? Ops!!
I kept all my diaries since 2004...
But now I was thinking of burning the diaries...
I teared off the diary.. Each pages of it...
Then I put in in the pot... Burn it!!
So air pollution occurred. Haha... Sorry to everyone!!
Seriously, banyak gila asap!!
The most funny one is when one chinese came to my house to send furnitures, then he thought that I was praying. Haha... Dia ingat macam cina ke... Bakar2 kertas ni. Haiyaaa!!!
dahlah cakap aku pemalas! :p
But then, I haven't finish yet...
Second round la... huhu...
Starting from 2008, I wrote my diary on my lappy...
Many secrets there... Shhhhhh... P&C you!!!
It actually depends on my time...
If I'm not busy, I'll write... Maybe in one week, I'll combined all the things happened..
This year, I bought new diary.. 2011...
Heh... Just wrote on a few pages... Hahhaa....
Lately, I feel free... and calm....
About two weeks I didn't open my lappy..
I don't know what happened...
Then my hand phones too...
Just silent... Just keep on receiving messages from Hotlink. Hahhaa...
Then I removed a few persons from my FB.. Blocked! :D
What else??? Holiday for one month...
Waiting for my result on 4th May 2011...
Hopefully my pointer will increase.. 3 pointer maybe?? Huhu...
And Mr.Hafidz. don't kill two birds in one stone okeyh!
Kerja je!! Gedix!! Lol!
Well, goodbye my diaries!!!
1 Feedbacks:
hehe,bako jela diary tue..huhu
kill two birds with the same bullet
ok kot.huhu
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