Saturday, May 21, 2011


Salam... Hello guys..

Okay, kerja BM still tak siap2 lagi. Any volunteer?? yeah.. Ada2!!

Ohh... 3jam je tidur malam tadi.. Ehh... Pagi tadi.. 
Gara2?? Hurm... Long conversation with you..
Suddenly I realised that, no more tears!! 
Memang lah kan.. Pak lawak yang bakal masuk Raja Lawak then Maharaja Lawak ea..
Tapi I tak vote you lah eak.. :p
Btw, thanks and sorry... Finally, I revealed everything..
Thanks for lending me your ears to hear from A to Z..

Btw, I don't know tiba2 je I rasa macam dejavu lah you...
I mean apa yang you cerita dekat I semua tu, I macam tahu sebelum ni..
Seriously!! But I don't know when.. Sebab last time kita contact when we were in form 3 right..
So any answer for it??? I don't know..
Tapi I'm sure yang you takde answer sebab you kan forgetful person. Haha...

And.. I sebenarnya tak jawab satu soalan you semalam..
But then, the msg that you received from me today, itulah jawapan dia..
You online FB, then at the top on your left, you akan tengok ada satu notification. You click on that, then you should know what to do after that. Haha...
Macam amazing race dah..
Itulah jawapannya.... And kalau you tanya kenapa, you pun ada jawapan untuk tu..
I keep on repeating it masa kita borak.. :)
Okay, done with that...
Jangan marah I okay.. Sebab I yang patut marah you. :D

I nikan jahat... Miss stalker. Haha...
Miss stalker yang belum officially resign sebenarnya.
And now I like this, "Removing and Blocking". :)
Kalau orang cari pasal dengan I, that person deserve la.

And about the deal...
Yeah.... Ingat eak.... I will cut my finger.. Hahaa...
Tapi you sampai hati ke nak tengok I takde jari?? Tak kan?? 
Or you akan dapat title.. Kita tengok ea nanti. :p
Kalau betul la you tak macam others, I'll place you at the top ranking.
The title apa eak.. I lupa lak.. :D
And now I menang okay. 1-0.. And jangan tukar angka 1 tu jadi 2.. 
Sebab officially I akan menang. haha.. 

Tapi I patut bagi you menang on this part la.

'Woman memang.. Perasaan and decision diorang agak mix up. That is why in Islam, apa2 decision man has to do it. Ada kitab pun cakap, if perempuan marah ke.. Biarkan dia for few days, bagi dia fikir, bagi dia time. Actually Allah dah teach us everything kot"

I hope apa yang you cerita kat I semua tu, you akan achieve one day. :)

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