Salam all... today I did something different to spend my time. as u know, everyday I just do the same things.. seat in front of my lap top.. On9 and on9 and on9 again... so bored!! I helped my Mom.. make popiah basah and karipap.. mmmmmm... yummy3x!! need to wake up at five in the morning. sleepy actually.. by the way, my mom gave me RM20 for my services. heheh!! thanks!!
Lately, my dear friend very sensitive.. since he is now crushing with a girl. hahah!! just kidding babe.. don't be too emotional.. satu pergi sepuluh marilah.. just think positive!
Hm.. about him.. today he is going to Mount Kinabalu.. best siot!! if I could go there.. hm.. sure I'll be so excited! but to go up there, don't think so. sure I'm gonna die soon. haha!!
What I'm gonna do for this two months?? just seat at home.. oh ya!! to nyah yana, hope your business will run smoothly. Go girl!!
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