Hari ni rasa macam suatu hari yang agak funny...
Rasa macam tersenyum je sepanjang hari ini.. Hahahaa..
Kalau hari2 macam ni kan bagus.. :D
Replacement tutorial tort??
Malas nak pergi. Setan kat keliling ni. hahhaa....
At last, pergi juga.. Heee...
Malas betul!!
Well, as usual laa... Main squash.
Terasa diri ini macam pro dah. Ahaks!!
Tapi "pro" pun, salah teknik gak tadi. Hahaaa...
Back hand tak menjadi. :p
Pukul 4pm serang court, dalam pukul 6pm balik laaa...
Main sorang2 laa... Apa lagi..
Geng2 busy.. Aku pun busy gak sebenarnya ni tapi tak kira!
One of the ways to cope with stress. Yeah!!
Berat turun ke tak ea agaknya... Hurm?
Erk?? Main squash pun tersengih sorang2.. :D

Hurm... Dah janji nak bagi one guy chocolate on his birthday.
Akak tak mungkir janji okey!
Siap decorate lagi.. Nampak macam riben. Huhu...
Style baru punya! Hope you like it!
'Artistic" right?
Your taste right?? Exactly!! Pandai tak akak pilih?? Huhu...
Just looking around and finally I've found you!
My instinct maaa....
So selamat menikmatilah semua chocolate tu ea..
Ala2 macam awek nak kenal lak kan bagi chocolate then wrote her phone number there, on the card decorated by herself. Hahaa... :p
Keep on messaging today. Dalam kelas pun boleh tu nak msg dengan aku. Haiyaaa....
Btw, birthday akak dah lepas laaa... How sad.. Sob2... Huhu...
Hurm.. Knowing you because of your birthday. Hahaaa..
Sound funny.. Chocolates with phone number. Heeee...
And one more thing... Looking for somebody to help me..
And of course his roomates. Hahaa...
Thanks ya my twin!! Love you lah! Hahaaa...
Nak ea?? Tunggu birthday tahun depan lah macam tu...
Erk?? Wanna couple with me?? Gagagaggaa.. :p
Tak payah couple pun, leh dapat.
Sepuluh aku bagi kat kau. :D
Hurmm... Dia tahulah aku yang bagi. Hahaa..
Boleh2 tak nak mengaku tu. Kah3x!!!
Saje jer... Aku confess kat sini jelah ea..
You like it?? Thanks... :)
Takpe2.. pecah rahsia kat sini..
I know you will read my blog.
Wanna me to quote what I wrote there?
As the authority?? Beyond reasonable doubt? Hahaaa... Tak payah lah..
To be attached here..
Btw, just a small gift, the simple one..
Nice to see, nice to hold.. Hahhaa...
Once broken, I break your head. Kah3x!!
Aku rasa buat class malam pun not bad gak.. Hahaa..
Takde pula mengantuk...
Lawak pun lawak.. Adessss...
Pecah perut aku hari ni... Hahaaa...
Raja Lawak pun tak lawak macam tu. :D
But then jangan esok menangis dahlah ea...
Selalu macam tu lah kan...
OMG!!! Assignment MLS???
Hurm... Tiba2 tangan gatal nak buka FB dia. Shit!!
Hurrmm.. "Jika diberikan satu peluang?"
What I was thinking is... Hurrmm...
Please... Tak nak ingat!!
Then perlu ke nama dekat atas dia tu?? Huh..
- Well, happy knowing adik baru walaupun dah kenal sebenarnya... Tak pernah tegur je :D
- Thanks to *** for heart to heart session. Just you and me :)
- And sama2 to Mr. Pen. Ops! Tersebut lak. Hahahaa... :D
4 Feedbacks:
haha,i like the post as well as the gift ,thanks btw ,i really use my instinct to detect you.haha :)
i like your post,of course as well as your gift ,thanks a lot anyway ,i really use my instinct to detect you .lol :)
Dear akk, hehehe..terharunye! ;D
Tp choc tu tak habes lg, beso sgt! hehehe...anyway, thx yer, nnt birthday akk sy plak sponsor gift. ;D
syakeer --> sponsor gift ea?? huhu.. waiting.. tak habis lagi?? ish2.. dah basi kot. hahah
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