Thursday, April 28, 2011

Grrrrrr... Itu Pun Masalah!


Hello guys...
Yesterday I was not able to online since I've something to do..
Its tiring! From morning until night..
Where did I go?? Everywhere... 
Actually, only one thing that I need to do.. 
That is my passport.. The rest I have to follow 'pengantin baru' to settle down a few things before their wedding this upcoming Saturday (woman's side) and Sunday (man's side)..

Btw, yesterday was the shit day! Bengang gila! 
With whom?? Immigration yang budus!!
Sorry, I tak pandai nak mencaruts.. Hehe..
Nak buat pasport pun masalah. Sengal betul!
Arghh.. Like I care nak kutuk diorang?
You should tell earlier about the rules and regulations.
You should wear this, you should not wear this.
It's up to me to wear contact lens when I go out. 
But in that case, you should listed it as one of the rules. 
I don't mind lah I have to take the passport photo for the second times but you should know this.
If I know from earlier, I will not wear my contact lens to make passport! Damn!
I'm not that stupid and I'm not stupid like you all.
The girls who took my photos is the stupidest!! 
When I took the passport photo for the second times, they said "Owh.. sebab lens ea.. ".
Bodoh lah you guys!! Kalau dah tahu, bagilah tahu yang tak boleh! 
Dahlah aku tak bawa tempat lens aku. Grrrrrrr....
Plus aku pakai blue lens! Obvious what! Of course lah aku pergi sana nak ambil gambar pasport!
So I have to take out my lens for a while. Nasib baik senang nak pakai balik. Solution pun takde.
Actually I have to pay only RM10 (4 pcs) but because of them yang bodoh tu, I have to pay another RM12 (6 pcs) to take another photo. 
About the immigration staff, they seems like okay laa... So so jer..
Biasalah.. Orang yang kerja dekat counter, customer service ni kan sometimes like shit! But I didn't say all of them.. Some okay!! 
Diorang cakap bila gambar pakai lens nanti, ada prob tu lah inilah...
Scan pun, aku tetap sama dowh.
Jadi banduan dekat negara orang. Boleh gak. Haha..
My sister ambil dulu pakai lens okay pula. The fake eyes too! Even brown lens. Bukan ori pun! Lepas je keluar. 
Guys, jangan nak pertikaikan pasal aku pakai lens. Aku kick sekor2!
Dahlah gambar aku tu nampak chubby! Mengong!!
Whatever it is, I can go everywhere and anywhere I want and I wish.
I was thinking of going somewhere and never turn back. Am I? Hurm..

Btw, in these two years, where should I go then?? 48 pages!
I should spend all the pages.. Haha....
I should go everywhere but mimpi jelah okay! Unless somebody going to sponsor me from head to toe. haha... Just cuci kaki je. :D
One place that I really wanna go... Even I know I couldn't go there with him. Again, it just a dream! 
I wanna go to Venice! :)
My honeymoon destination maybe? Huhu....
With whom?? Just wait and see soon...
Maybe in the next 9 or 10 years...

I don't think lah that entry mengarut...
Hahaha... Maksud tu sampai pada aku..
Actually pada sesiapa yang faham lah..
Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal lah kan!! Haha..
Yang aku paling suka tu, word BITCH. hahaa... I loike you!! :)


1 Feedbacks:

Ku Anas Ku Omar said...

kah3...psal lens je pown...chillex sudeyh...gatal sgt p pakai nape...mwahahahahah


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